Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a planet. On this planet lived creatures of every sort. From Dragons to Dolphins to the creatures who roamed the night. Night and Day were two completely different worlds. This world is called el Mundo de Jenny. It exists in the imagination and grows stronger with it's use. Have ya guessed what I'm talking about yet?
Well if you haven't here's a clue. This world is my world. My fantasies and daydreams are reality here. Pretty cool, huh? :D You have traveled pretty far to come here. Not many people can travel in my wacked out world. And yes that's quoting my closest and dearest friends.
Everyone has they're own world like mine. Just as the star number the heavens so do the worlds of imagination we create. Though some of these worlds are in serious need of a tune-up. You're more then welcome to explore mine. Remember like in the Never Ending Story it just keeps growing more and more beautiful with every wish you make (The child empress, The Neverending Story 1983?)
There are three main worlds on this planet:
El Mundo de Sol: This world of Light is my sci-fi role-playing hobby. Dragons fly in the sky along with their smaller cousins called Firelizards. Talking Dolphins swim in pods helping humans with weather, fishing and exploring. Follow the link to find out more about this side.
El Mundo de Luna: With every passing day there is also an endless Night. The Gothic Realm is always a spooky but fun place to explore. This world is ruled by the Kindred and Garou of White Wolf games. You can find me nightly on #Bloodlegacy on DALnet. Try using spider...it doesn't lag as badly as the rest :D
El Mundo Confusado: A world of confusion, the perfect description of my life on a day to day basis. You can find out all the mundane info about me here :D
Please excuse the constant changes. As in Life all things change constantly...including my page.
Go Ahead and Drop me a line sometime :D